General Rules
- Ads, LPs and OPs can be more provocative and suggestive within a reasonable range (no nudity*, no pornography/erotica, no sexual intercourse).
- Penis enlargement is allowed.
- Fake web pages designs, celebrity endorsement, porn actors, real practicing doctors endorsement are allowed.
- penis enlargement and mentions of centimeters/inches in titles, hints of size matters in the imagery are allowed.
- genitalia-shaped objects are allowed to use for thumbnail images within a reasonable range (except for images of nude organs, blurred images of nude organs, too vulgar and provocative genitalia-shaped objects). Graphic illustrations of anatomy of the organs are OK to use.
- images of women younger than 40 years old are allowed, in connection with relevant titles (nudity, erotica, pornograpy excluded!).
- nude/blurred organs
- sexual intercourse
- pornography, erotica
- images of Viagra and alternatives
Titles wording of ads may contain:
Measurements (e.g.centimeters/inches, etc.) – OK BUT
Terms ‘Penis/ejaculation’, f-words – NO!Product name – NO!
- LP may contain suggestive content, implied nudity like images of a topless woman from the back or front when it is not revealing (the nipples are covered or not visible). Erotica, pornograpy, sexual intercourse are excluded!
- LP can be focused on penis enlargement. (F-words, nude/blurred organs, vulgar wording, prostitution, sexual intercorse excluded!)
- Fake web page design, fake news approach is allowed.
- Endorsement (celebrities, real practicing doctors) is allowed (offensive facts, aggression, disturbing stories/imagery excluded!)
- nude/blurred images of male organs
- sexual intercourse
- pornography, erotica
Offer Page
see LP rules +
- Nudity is allowed: images of nude male organs/blurred images of male organs are allowed. HOWEVER, it cannot be displayed within the first scroll of the page and strictly for the use to demonstrate the effect of the remedy (e.g. before/after images).
- sexual intercourse
- pornography, erotica